Product Information

  • Version: Prologic 5 (unified core)
  • Platform: Linux only, GNU C/C++
  • Arch Support: 64 bit (little-endian)
  • Language Support: Prologic™ version 5

MRCPLT 5 - Server Component Edition

MRCPLT 5 is the unified core/unix-only version of Prologic™. This version uses a non-segmented subsystem to fully utilize the speed of a server for large-scale and enterprise applications.

MRCPLT is non-interactive and best suited for polling/monitoring of states of databases, machines, servers, and any other systems able to produce data as they operate.

MRCPLT is part of the MRC Thinking Software System (TSS) tools: these tools allow the development of multi-component systems for IoT, plant state instrumentation and analysis. These tools are not designed for end-user development during setup but once deployed are fully end-user enabled to develop AI script libraries for unlimited application.


Lean and fast for autonomous Prologic™ computing - input/output file interfaces, allows for the unlimited creation of script libraries to generate models and output data


Linux server systems only

Tools and Application

The server requires GNU C/C++ support - OpemMPI is also supported


Custom seat/site licensing

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